Rural Talent Scholoarship

Satya Foundation aims that bright students from rural areas do not lose out on opportunities due to lack of information or economic wherewithal. Foundation will tie up with higher secondary education schools in rural areas to identify bright students from economically weaker sections of the society and help them in pursuing higher education or competitive examinations irrespective of their cast, religion, region and gender, etc.

Mobile Rural Health Support

India spends only around 4.2% of its national GDP towards healthcare goods and services (compared to 18% by USA). There are wide gaps between the rural and urban populations in its healthcare system which worsen the problem. A staggering 70% of the population still lives in rural areas and has no or limited access to hospitals and clinics. We, at Satya Foundation, will start mobile healthcare until properly equipped with day to day medical equipments to provide general medical facilities on the go, to rural people. Health camps will be organized on frequent intervals to spread awareness about healthcare facilities, etc. and suppor the needy.

BetiBachao, PedLagao

Despite so many government programs against abortion of female fetus, girl child mortality rates are still high because of some wrong pre juidiced tradition among people in rural areas. Satya Foundation will spread dual awareness with focused programme about the gender sensitivity and importance of planting trees by organizing camps in different villages. It will also organize events in schools, villages, etc. where plantation will be done by the girls to make people aware.

SwachhGaon, KhushaalGaon

The aim of this program is to bring about an improvement in the general quality of life in the rural areas, by promoting cleanliness, hygiene and eliminating open defecation in Rural India. Through this initiative, Satya Foundation will work on the rural sanitization, hygiene, cleanliness, etc. It will spread awareness on importance of having toilets in each house in villages in rural areas along with providing financial support to low income group people in constructing toilets in their home.

Water Conservation and Plantation

Harvesting water and its conservation is important for bringing about improvements in production, productivity and for maintaining sustainability of agriculture along with providing provision for safe drinking water can be benefitted from the water conservation in low rain seasons. Satya Foundation will organize demonstration on world’s latest developments in the field of water conservation and harvesting and spread awareness about the importance of the same among people in rural areas.

Mobile Animal Health Support

The animal health problems and facilities to cure it are worse in rural India as compared to human healthcare facilities. Going with the concept of mobile healthcare vehicles for people of villages, Satya Foundation will operate a vehicle with general veterinary medical facilities for animals. Regular health camps will be organized to spread awareness about animal welfare, animal husbandry, better medical facilities, etc.


In this modern era, a farmer in rural India still does not get remunerative price for its crops. Through the online portal “E-KisanMandi”, all farmers will be aware of the prices of various crops in the different areas in the country, so that they can sell their crops at a price of their choice.